facing the new year
the big question is how will i survive 2013? i don't know where to begin. as soon as the clock struck twelve, my inner battle with fear resurfaced. my fear : how do i remember her as the mother without cancer. how do i remember her spirit. i remember some bits and pieces of the last five years. if i cringe at the thought of merely starting a new year without her, even the pancan her, how will i get past the birthdays. mothers day. their anniversary. my birthday. thanksgiving. sh*ts just f*cked. it is. plain and simple. other people have gone through this too... yes. but with pain. how do i do it without isolating myself? a silver lining is... well.. my personal opinion is that i produce some of my better pieces of art when i am walking through valleys. =) fear is human nature. as is doubt. in my mind, the world is what you make it to be. it is how you react to life's twists and turns. to the peaks and valleys. the plateaus. life's tragedies and triumphs. so yes,...